General Dentistry Tips: 5 Ways to Make Teeth Stronger

general dentistry Flower Mound, TX

Why is general dentistry important? Taking care of your teeth can reduce painful problems like abscesses, gingivitis, cavities and additional issues. Taking care of your teeth the right way takes consistency and knowledge of oral hygiene. Stronger teeth make for a brighter and happier smile!

In this article, we will look at five tips that will help in keeping your teeth healthy, and also lower the risk of any problems you may have now or in the future. 

5 General Dentistry Tips to Strengthen Teeth

Brushing Teeth Twice a Day Every Day

After each meal, it is best to brush your teeth if it is possible. Many of us focus on only brushing after we wake up in the mornings and before bed. These are good times as long as it is done thoroughly. Reaching the back teeth and covering all other teeth are essential and can be done more efficiently with a toothbrush that has a small head. Some patients purchase an electric toothbrush to accommodate a thorough brushing. Flossing is an excellent addition to brushing.

Sugary Drinks and Food with Acidic Should Be Limited

Acid and sugar in excess are bad for tooth enamel. These ingredients contribute to the decay of teeth putting health at risk both with the body and teeth, gums and mouth. Limiting sweets and acidic foods will help in strengthening the enamel of the teeth and reduce cavities.

Teeth Needs Protection

Playing sports or engaging in contact activities, for example, can increase the risk of injury to the teeth and mouth. Mouth guards and helmets are two great choices; this depends on the activity you chose. An injury could still occur, but this is less likely. 

Toothpaste with added Fluoride

We've all heard the conversations with fluoride in the water systems throughout the country, fluoride in toothpaste for healthy teeth and gums is the right choice. Teeth are stronger with fluoride, and this also helps in keeping bacteria to a minimal amount. Keeping the bacteria at the lowest level possible will reduce cavities, gum diseases and bad breath. Fluoride is contained in most toothpaste, but reading the labels is a good idea to be sure of the ingredients. Adding mouthwash to your daily routine twice per day will bring in an added protection to tartar control, gum diseases and cavities. 

Teeth Are for Chewing

Opening packages, eating and crunching on ice, hard candies or other items hard like this in nature do contribute to damaging teeth. Using teeth to pry open things or crunch them up can create chips, cracks and in some instances, break teeth which can be painful and require repairs such as an implant or veneers. Try to stay away from hard things when chewing to protect your teeth. 

In conclusion

Choosing a general dentistry office is an essential addition to taking good care of teeth. There are free dentist directories online you can view in assistance for locating one near you. Visiting your dentist will bring good health to teeth and gums. Maintaining a good routine at home, handling teeth concerns will bring a positive result. 

Request an appointment in our Flower Mound dentist office here:

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